Fisikal has developed a standalone, white-label app that enables gym owners to run, manage and execute bespoke member acquisition promotions
Central YMCA has activated Fisikal’s digital promotions app to manage their 12 Days of Christmas promotion.
The custom branded App can be downloaded, free of charge, from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Content is then unlocked via a secure code provided by Central YMCA. Once inside, the user can access details of the promotion and, after answering some basic profiling questions, arrange to visit the club and complete a tour.
Once in the club, a QR code stored in the app, verifies the user, grants access, logs this initial visit and any subsequent visits. The code remains active for the term of the promotion, automatically switching off at the end of the promotion’s term.
“Digitalising the administration of the promotion removes inefficiencies of a paper-based system whilst also providing the operator with real-time access to user profile information, plus activation and engagement data,” said Ryan Palmer, general manager at Central YMCA.
“If people decide to join following the promotion their details can be integrated into the gyms incumbent CRM system, if they don’t, data can be stored, growing the prospect database, and used in future targeted marketing campaigns.”
Fisikal built the custom-branded app for Central YMCA and had it operational within three weeks.