Sport England is investing £50m in grassroots sports and physical activity to help the sector recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
The funding forms part of the organisation’s new 10-year strategy, which aims to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.
Following extensive consultation with the sport and physical activity sector, Uniting the Movement identifies the longer-term challenges of the decade ahead – issues that were still important before Covid-19 struck, but are now crucial.
The strategy aims to tackle long-standing inequalities in sport and physical activity by providing opportunities to people and communities that have traditionally been left behind, and helping to remove the barriers to activity.
“It is crucial that none of the facility infrastructure we have in place is lost due to the pandemic. For that to happen, sports clubs, operators and local authorities need financial support to help them maintain their assets,” said SAPCA CEO, Christopher Trickey.
“As well as investing in the maintenance (and improvement) of existing facilities, we need to ensure we provide funding for the building of new, well-designed venues.”