SPORTS floors need suitably heavy-duty flooring installation products to deliver a long-lasting, high quality floor finish and avoid the potential for floor failure and health and safety risks.
Such was the case at Christ Church Sports Centre in Canterbury, Kent, where high performance subfloor preparation products helped contractors from Oxden Floors complete a durable 1,250sq m sports hall flooring installation.
A cushioned, vinyl sports floorcovering was specified for the floor, but before it could be installed, the contractor had to ensure the subfloor was smooth and dry as well as strong enough to withstand the repeated impact the floor would be subjected to over its lifetime.
Moisture tests indicated high relative humidity levels within the subfloor. It meant that a waterproof surface membrane was required to isolate floorcoverings and prevent any ensuing moisture damage.
Once the waterproof surface membrane had cured, F. Ball and Co’s Stopgap 300 HD was used to create a smooth finish ready for the receipt of floorcoverings, following the application of a general-purpose primer to promote the adhesion of the heavy-duty levelling compound to the surface. Stopgap 300 HD was specified for its high compressive and flexural strength, which enables flooring installations to withstand the stresses imparted by heavy and repeated trafficking.
Ball’s Styccobond F45 vinyl flooring adhesive was then used to secure the cushioned sports floorcovering to the prepared subfloor. A non-staining co-polymer emulsion adhesive, Styccobond F45 has resistance to PVC plasticisers, will withstand normal wet cleaning techniques and is protected against bio-degradation.